Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Calm Down

To Preface, I voted for Obama and I think he has the potential to be a very good if not great president. I understand the social, historical and racial significance of the election of Barack Obama. That being said, people really got to calm down.
I am hearing and reading that people are naming their children after him. There is a Caribbean island that plans to name a mountain after him. This is going a *bit* too far. I am excited about an Obama presidency and change in the way this government does things and the priorities for what gets done. But, people, he is not the 2nd coming. Before we start chiseling his face into Mt Rushmore, maybe we should inaugurate him.
Maybe we should let this guy be president for a little while and see what he actually does before we declare him the best president ever. The ideas that he put forth in the campaign are very good ideas but there is no magic wand. we are not going to wake up the day after inauguration and the DOW up 5000, the economic crisis over, the troops home and the Iranian president having tea parties in the White House. Our country is in a serious, serious situation and electing Barack Obama, as wonderful as it is for race relations and hope and change, he has to get stuff done before we can start celebrating. And we as the electorate have to make him do it.
Instead of exalting him as the answer to all our prayers, why don't we get on his case and the case of all our elected officials to actually do something. and then when they do do something, we can get on their case to do some more. and if they continue to do things right, we may just re-elect them.
Rant Over.

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